Federal Tax Liens can really make your life miserable! When your taxes are not paid the IRS establishes a lien against all of your assets (especially real estate). This gives the IRS the legal right to collect taxes from the sale of your assets, which includes just about everything you own.
The lien can be against you, your spouse, or your company. A lien against your company would seize your accounts receivables. At this point everything you own is just one short step away from becoming the property of the United States Government.
Liens filed against you by the IRS also show up on your credit report and often prevent you from opening a checking account or borrowing against any assets, like your home. The banks don't want the extra work when the IRS comes in to take your money.
With a Federal Tax lien on your record you can't get a reasonable loan to purchase a car. Think about paying 18-22% interest on a car that is already too expensive. You definitely cannot buy or sell any real estate. The list is endless.
Get a
free consultation on how to resolve your tax lien problems by completing the form below.
I'm so glad I came in contact with Brockington Firm. I have been so stressed in the past dealing with taxes. Mrs. Karen and her team were awesome. She knows her stuff and was very patient with sharing business strategies moving forward. This is the first time in a long while that I have walked away from completing my taxes feeling hopeful. Thank you for the experience. I'll be back.
- Lisa G.
My experience with the Brokington firm so far has been great! I was able to have a phone call with them and plan out the best way to have them help me with my tax return so far the service has been 5 starts
- Kristen S.
I recommend this firm if you are a young person or family starting out and need great financial tips.
- Gabrielle K.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. Please fill out this form and let us know how we can be of service. We will happily offer you a free consultation to determine how we can best serve you.
201 International Circle, Suite 320, Hunt Valley, MD, 21030 |(443) 991-4146
The Brockington Firm LLC